March 9
10:00am Pre-Service Prayer (Downstairs)
10:30am Celebration Service: God is Enthroned in the Praises of His People. Psalm 22:3 - Pst. Steve
10:30 Nursery available
11:00 Children released to Sunday School
GREAT NEWS! The Membership Course is now online!!!
Ask Pst. Sherry!
Please Note: Giving on MVC Hub is temporarily unavailable.
Donations can be received at the Welcome Centre (Debit, cash or cheque) or email transfer
An afternoon of FUN! For EVERYONE!
2pm -6pm Pavillion Open
4pm Supper The CHILI CHALLENGE is ON! Bring chili or a potluck dish. We DO NOT HAVE access to a kitchen, so plan accordingly. Bring finger food (sandwiches, fruit, nachos & dip etc.) or a slow cooker.
Spend the afternoon indoors or out
Indoors – bring some board games
Outdoors no snow? No problem! It's a beautiful park. Walk on the trails. Take the children to the playground. Bring a soccer ball!
The Chili Championship has been left unchallenged for too long. I am calling all cooks to bring your best pot of chili or beans. Let the tongues speak for themselves.
Mark your calendar for the Annual Business Meeting!!
In his vision, Dr Zito saw a move of God, as a tsunami start in the east of Canada, sweep across the country to the west, and then crash into the USA. God told him, "What happens in Canada, will save America, and what happens in America will touch the world!"
Dr Zito is building Dream Teams and networking with churches all across Canada. The wells of reveal are springing forth all across the nation and the waves are swelling!
• Sometimes God’s instructions seem at odds with the natural way of doing things.
• Giving freely can lead to gaining even more? Keeping all of your money could lead to poverty? That doesn’t make sense, does it? Well, not from a human perspective, perhaps.
• In these verses, we get a new perspective on generosity. Giving generously and serving others benefits the giver as well as the receiver.
• Giving generously may feel like a sacrifice in the moment. However, these verses tell us quite the opposite. Instead of being hurt financially by giving, we can expect to be better off as a result of giving generously
There is one who scatters, yet increases all the more, And there is one who withholds what is justly due, but it results only in want.
The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered.
Your offerings and tithes can be received at the Welcome Centre or emailed to